Ice Breaking Session 2014

Department of HRM & IB organized an icebreaking session on 16th Sept, 2014 for all the students of the department in the Srijan Hall. There were various activities and games organized in this session. The basic idea of organizing this session was to provide a common platform to all students of the department for interacting with each other and getting to know each other. Besides this, the objective was also to develop planning, organizing , team spirit, coordination and leadership abilities among the budding managers. The session began with a motivational PowerPoint presentation. At the end of the presentation, students were asked to write down the names of personalities shown in the presentation. The purpose behind this activity was to test the student’s observation power and memory. The next activity was named “7 up & & down”. In this the students were tested on their attentiveness and presence of mind. This was followed by two group activities. In the first group activity the entire group had to perform an act about the Bollywood personality they were representing. In the next group activity, groups were asked to present a story from photos cut from the newspapers. Students displayed their creativity, innovativeness and coordination through this activity. The last activity for the day was “Corners”, which was an activity involving fun and little bit of luck. Towards the end of the session, Dean, Commerce and Management Department, Dr M K Sharma, distributed Certificates of Excellence to the students who contributed in a significant manner to the Departmental activities for the session 2013-14, as volunteers. All the students actively participated in the event and had a great time.