The main objective is to familiarize the students with the activities of a modern office, role of a Private Secretary in an office besides gaining essential skills in handling of various office operations
Meaning of Secretary, Types/Kinds of Secretaries, importance of Secretary, qualifications and qualities of Secretary, duties of Secretary, changing profile of the Secretary
Definition, meaning and process, level and functions (Operational Functions- Office, Production, Financial, Marketing, Personnel etc. and Managerial Functions- Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Controlling. Delegation and Decentralization of Authority
Meaning and purpose of meetings, types of meetings, preparation for meetings: Notice, Agenda, Quorum, Role of Chairman, Minutes of meetings, duties of Secretary before, during and after a meeting, additional terms used in meetings.
Meaning of Mail, Need for establishing inward and outward mail routines, Nature of Mail – E mail and Physical Mail, Types of Mail – Inward Mail, Outward Mail and Inter-departmental Mail, Handling of Inward and Outward Mail, Mechanizing of Mail Services, Services provided by Courier Companies
Qualification and number, appointment, removal, powers, duties andliabilities, remuneration. Reconstruction and amalgamation, winding up and dissolution of companies. Shares and debentures, application, allotment, transfer and transmission, calls and forfeiture, dividend and interest
• Office Management, B.R. Duggal, KitabMahal, New Delhi.
• Principles of Office Management, Dr. R.C. Bhatia, Lotus Press, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002
• Office Organisation and Management, S.P. Arora, Vikas Publishing House.
• Administrative Office Management by R.K. Chopra, Himalaya Publishing House.
• Office Management and Commercial Correspondence, B.R. Duggal, KitabMahal