Course Objective
The objective of this subject is to acquaint the students with the basic concepts of organization Behaviour.
Course Learning Outcome
Course |
Learning Outcome (at course level) |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
Paper Code |
Paper Title |
HRG 416 |
Organization Behaviour II |
CO145: To make them understand with different techniques of effective team building.
CO146: To analyze the approaches of power and reasons of politics in the organization.
CO147: To evaluate the use of the strategies for managing conflict and stress in the organization.
CO148: To create and implement the change at workplace .
Approaches of Teaching: Interactive lectures and Discussion and Power point presentation
Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments, effective discussion, simulation and presentation |
CA test, Semester end examination, Presentation, Quiz, and Interaction |
Team: Meaning, difference between team and group, Types of teams, techniques of effective team building
Organizational Power: Meaning, characteristics, classification of power, contingency approaches to power.
Politics: Meaning, Reasons of politics
Conflicts: Meaning, Reasons of conflict, types of conflict, Process of conflict, merits and demerits, management of conflict.
Stress: Meaning, reasons of stress, types of stress, effect of stress, strategies
For coping stress
Organizational Change; Meaning, reasons, types, process of change, résistance to change, management of change.