Objective: - The motive of this seminar was to provide training to the students for utilizing the E-resources with the help of ProQuest ABI / inform global online database.

DESCRIPTION:- An Online seminar on benefits of ABI/Inform global on ProQUEST was organized in the IIS (deemed to be) UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR. It was organized by the Department of Management. The speaker of the online seminar was Mr. Sanjay Rajan (Sr. Training and consulting partner- APAC, ProQuest). • The speaker illustrated the types of PROQUEST databases i.e 1) ABI / INFORM GLOBAL 2) EBOOK CENTRAL. Students were informed about various features of proquest and the details related to it. Like, how to login, what it is all about, how to use and what all content it actually includes.

Outcome: The online seminar helped us to find the objective of search like, access to known book or article, get a quick overview of a specific topic, find materials for a course assignment, locate the latest article in a specific field, and most important to obtain data for a research project. And, a use of keyword chart was explained, which is a good source in find solutions to our proble