Strategic Human Resource Management

Paper Code: 
HRG 616
Contact Hours: 

The objective of this subject is to acquaint the students with the basic concepts of Strategic Human Resource Management.

Unit I: 

Concept of strategy, Strategic Intent & vision, mission and objectives, Nature and scope of Strategic Management, Need of Strategic Management, Process of Strategic Planning and Implementation.

Unit II: 
Concept of Strategic HR

Meaning of Strategic HRM, Process, Aims, Approaches, and Limitations of SHRM.

Unit III: 
Strategy Formulation

Corporate level strategy, Business level strategy, Functional level strategy, Formulation of HR strategy, Human Resource Environment.

Unit IV: 
Strategy Implementation

Aspects and Issues in Strategy Implementation, Roles in Strategic HRM – Role of Top management, Role of HR Director, HR Specialist.

Unit V: 
HR Strategies

Cultural Management strategies, Re sourcing strategy, Learning & Development strategy, Reward strategy, Employee Relations strategy.

Essential Readings: 

• Michael Armstrong., “Strategic Human Resource Management”, Kogan PageIndia Pvt.Ltd.
• Charles R. Greer., “Strategic Human Resource Management”, Pearson Education Asia, Delhi, 2001.
• Azhar Kazmi, Business Policy; Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi.
• P.K. Ghosh: Strategic Planning and Management-Sultan Chand & Sons; New Delhi,
• Thompson & Strickland: Strategic Management-Concepts and Cases; Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi; 12th Ed. 2001
• Ramaswamy and Namakumari: Strategic Planning -Formulation of Corporate strategy; MacMillan India Ltd. New Delhi.

Academic Year: