To familiarize the students with the principles of the Shorthand, develop the skill of taking down dictation at the different speeds in a graded manner and develop skills in students which are required for obtaining jobs for providing secretarial assistance:
Table of Simple Consonant, Vowel and Diphthong Signs, SWay and SeZ circles
Loops STee and STeR: CON- or COM-dot, Signs half as long for the addition of Tee
Signs half as long for the addition of Dee, Signs twice as long for the addition of TeR, DeR, THeR, TuRe
Hook aR to Straight Signs, Vowel Signs for these Hooked Forms. Dot Sign for Hay (as in PERHAPS), Hook eL to Straight Signs
Hook eN to Straight Sings , Hook eF/Vee to Straight Signs