The purpose of paper is to give students an in-depth knowledge of International Business Environment with an analysis of strategies adopted by exporters while positioning their product globally.
Introduction, Nature, Scope , Drivers of International Business, International Business Vs Domestic Business, International Business Decisions, Advantages of International Business
Meaning, Economic Environment-meaning, economic systems-market, command ,mixed system
Cultural Environment-meaning, language, religion, values and attitudes, customs and manners , aesthetics, education ,social structure, Political and Legal Environment –meaning, political system, international political relations ,political stability ,legal systems, legal jurisdictions, laws relevant to IB
Concept, Trade strategies, Argument for free trade, Protection and its methods, Forms of integration, European Union, NAFTA, SAARC, SAPTA
Exporter’s Cost, Pricing Objectives, Factors Affecting Pricing, Pricing Methods, Transfer Pricing, Export Price Structure, Steps in pricing, Export price quotations
International Monetary Fund (IMF)-Objectives, Functions, Organization structure, Resources, World Bank (IBRD)- Objectives, Functions, Organization structure, Resources, International Development Association(IDA),International Finance Corporation(IFC).
• Cherunilam Francis , “ International Business”, Himalaya Publishing House,New Delhi.4th edition
• ChandranDr R., “International Business” ,Jaico Publishing house,New Delhi.2007
• Hill Charles W L., “International Business”,TataMcGraw Hill Ltd,New Delhi.5th edition
• SundaramAnant K & Blade J Steward, “The International Business Environment-Text and Cases” .Prentice Hall Publishing House,New Delhi.
• Singh Nawnihal, “ International Business” , Anmol Publications.
• Ajami Cool GoldardKhansata., “International Business”, Prentice Hall Publishing House, New Delhi.