Communication is the key to successful business. It leads one to negotiate effectively and strike the right deal for the organization. This course provides insight into the technical and structural aspect of communication in business.
Meaning, Definition, Objective and Importance of Business Communication; The Process and Models of Communication (Keith Davis,Lesikar)
Effective Communication: – Effective Listening, Importance of Listening; How to be an effective Listener. Effective Speaking, 7 C’s of Effective Communication.
Oral/verbal, Written, audio visual, Nonverbal Communication; Types of Nonverbal Communication- Kinesics, Paralanguage, Proxemics, types of communication(Vertical, Horizontal, Diagonal), Medias of Communication (modern and face to face)
Barriers to Communication: Concept, Types, Overcoming barriers to communication.
Forms, Types and Layout
Report Writing- Forms, Content, Layout
Emotional Intelligence, Interpersonal Skills,
Team Spirit, Business Etiquette, Leadership Skills.
Seminar Presentation, Public Speaking, Interviews, Resume Writing, Group discussion.
1. Rajendra Pal, J. S. Korlahalli, Essentials of Business Communication, S.Chand, New Delhi
2. Asha Kaul, Business Communication, Prentice Hall, New Delhi
1. Pandey, Pareek, Madan and Sharma, Business Communication, RBD Professional Publications, Jaipur.
2. Ronald E. Dulek and John S. Fielder, Principles of Business Communication, Macmillan Publishing Company, London.
3. M. J. Mathew, Business Communication, RBSA Publishers, Jaipur