The subject is aimed at acquainting the students with the nature and dimensions of the evolving international business management, which influence managerial
Decisions and perspectives
Trade Union-Concept, Emergence, Objectives, Functions, Approaches or methods, Theories, Problems of trade union.
Structure and Governance of Trade Union: Basis of Organization, Crafts Vs Industrial Union, Trade Federations, Types of trade federations.
Trade Union Movement –Trade union movement in India, different phases and its present scenario. Labour law:The Trade Union Act 1926.
Factory Act, 1948; Industrial Employment (Standing Order) Act, 1936;Workermen Compensation Act
Employees State Insurance Act
The Minimum Wage act, Payment of Wage Act,1936
• “Labour and industrial laws”. PK Padhi
• Sinha, Sinha&Priyadarshini.,”Industrial relations, Trade unions and Labour relations”, Pearsons publications, New Delhi.
• Gupta C B , “ Human Resource Management”. Sultan Chand &Sons,New Delhi.
• Dhyani S.N , Trade Union & the right to strike, University Book House Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
• Mead R, “ International Management,Cross Cultural Dimensions
• Adler N J , “International Dimensions of Organization Behaviour”. Kent Publishing House
• Bhatia S K & Singh Nirmal, “Principles and Techniques of Personnel Management and Human Resource Management” ,Deep & Deep Publications,NewDelhi