Date: 3rd December 2022
Venue: Child Shelter Home, Naya Savera NGO, Nirman Nagar, Jaipur
No. of Participants: 33
Objective of the Event: The objective of the activity was to develop empathy and sense of sharing among the students towards the underprivileged sections of the society.
Description: The Department of Human Resource Management organized a visit to the Child Shelter Home of Naya Sawera, Jaipur for MBA Sem I students of the Department.
Students visited the child shelter Home of Naya Sawera named Snehachal. Snehachal is a home dedicated solely towards providing a loving and caring shelter and residence to the children, taking into account the various conditions faced by the children. A lot of these kids had ran away from their home because of violence or abuse, others have sadly been separated from their parents or are exploited as child Laborers.
Students visited there, interacted with children, played with them, danced with them and tried to make these children feel comfortable and cared. There are at present 27 children and it was observed that each and every child has different and unique skills like acting , dancing , singing and so on.
Students are given a chance to work as an intern in this NGO to teach these children social values and emotional support through counselling. Students has to introduced children to some basic skill development processes.
The members and volunteers alike not only teach the children some basic essential skills like communication, vocabulary, drawing etc. but also spend time with them.
At the end students donated some fresh vegetables like onion, potato, cauliflower etc for the healthy well-being of children.
Outcome of the event: The students gained understanding of the human values and that no human being is deprived of his basic needs because of poverty.